Individual Resume:
Li Pengfei, a male, the doctor of Philosophy, the associate professor and vice president (presiding over the administrative work of the college).
Email: pengfeili@xust.edu.cn
Overall Achievements:
Patents of published papers and works and the host participating projects.
Mainly engaged in geomorphological remote sensing and water and soil conservation research, he has more than 10 years of experience in the use and development of the regional-scale soil erosion model PESERA developed by the University of Leeds. With knowledge and skills in soil erosion, soil conservation and desertification control, model development and application, remote sensing, geographic information system, soil science, hydrology, geomorphology, climate, land use change, scale conversion, statistics, etc.
In the last 5 years, Later in Earth-Science Reviews, Remote Sensing of Environment, Geophysical Research Letters, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Climatic Change, and Land Degradation & Development, Catena, sediment Research and other domestic and foreign academic journals,publishing more than 30 papers and applying for 2 patents. He has presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41977059), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41807063), the National Natural Science Foundation of China International (regional) Cooperative Research and Exchange Project (GZ 1542), the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (19JK0522) State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture on the Loess Plateau (A314021402-1603), and participated in the National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project (41671285 and 41671279).
During his PhD and in recent years, he has focused on soil erosion processes and their model simulation on the Loess Plateau. He has developed the world's first peatland water erosion model, PESERA-PEAT, which has been applied to regional, national and global scales to assess the effects of climate and land use change on peatland soil erosion. In particular, in the global simulation study, the main driver of soil erosion on peatlands at long time scales is temperature change rather than rainfall change as traditionally thought, which is different from the previous understanding that the main driver of soil erosion is rainfall and is highly innovative.
In the study of soil erosion processes and mechanisms on the Loess Plateau, he has systematically summarized the soil erosion models applied on the Loess Plateau since the 1980s, and analyzed and compared the prediction accuracy, process representation, data and calibration requirements, and scenario simulation capabilities of 11 soil erosion models applied on the Loess Plateau, and provided references for the future development of soil erosion models on the Loess Plateau. The results were published in Earth-Science Reviews, a top journal in the field of earth sciences. Currently, we focus on the research of soil erosion monitoring methods, processes and mechanisms of the Loess Plateau slope and gully system, using LiDAR, photogrammetry and other advanced remote sensing technologies to explore multi-scale soil erosion processes, and on this basis, we explore soil erosion simulation methods of the Loess Plateau to simulate the response of erosion to climate change and human activities. Representative research results have been published in the top journal "Remote Sensing of Environment".
Study and Work Experience:
2004.9--2008.7 Bachelor of Science degree in Geographic Information System, Northwest A & F University.
2008.9--2010.7 In the study of Land Resources and Space Information Technology of Northwest A & F University.
2010.10--2015.1 (2015.7 Graduation) Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Geography, University of Leeds
2015.10--2017.8 Postdoctoral fellow in Agricultural Resource Utilization, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Ministry of Water Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Associate Professor, School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
2018.9--2019.6 Associate Professor, Scientific Research Discipline Secretary, School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
2019.6--2021.6 Associate Professor, Associate Dean of School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
2021.6-Now: Associate Professor, Vice Dean of School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology, Xi'an University of Science and Technology (presiding over the administrative work of the school)
Opening Courses:
Undergraduate courses: Smart City, Land Information System
Graduate courses: "Professional English", "Science and Technology Paper Writing", etc
Academic and Social Part-time Jobs:
Vice president of Shaanxi Provincial Geographical Society, 2021.12- now
Member of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Professional Committee of Shaanxi Society of Surveying and Mapping and Geographic Information, 2020--now
Secretary of underground Engineering and Mine Survey Professional Committee of Shaanxi Institute of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, 2020--now
Field of Investigation:
Geomorphic remote sensing and soil and water conservation
(1) Research on the monitoring algorithm of soil erosion and topographic change;
(2) Research on soil erosion process and mechanism;
(3) Simulation study of soil erosion model.
Major Scientific Research Projects:
(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, 41977059, spatial and temporal characteristics and driving mechanism of gravity erosion in loess hilly and gully areas, 2020.01-2023.12,61000 yuan, under research and hosting
(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation project, 41807063, the sand production process and mechanism of slope and gully system erosion in loess hilly and gully areas, 2019.01-2021.12,25,5000 yuan, in research, hosting
(3) International (regional) Cooperative Research and exchange project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, GZ1542, Sino-German Young Scientists Forum on "Monitoring and Simulation of the Impact of Regional-scale Vegetation Restoration on Soil Erosion", 2019.01-2019.12,164,000 yuan, has been concluded and presided over
(4) Fund project of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education, 19JK0522, research on soil erosion process and mechanism of Donggou River Basin in Huangqi Qiu District based on UAV LiDAR, 2019.01-2020.12,20,000 yuan, has been concluded and presided over
(5) State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Agriculture Fund in the Loess Plateau, A314021402-1603, PESERA The adaptability evaluation and improvement of soil erosion model in the Loess Plateau, 2016.1-2017,100,000 yuan, has been concluded and presided over
(6) Economic Development Research Center of the State Forestry Administration, JYC2018-81, China Economic Forest Development Report compilation and case study, 2018.8-2019.8,80,000 yuan, has been concluded and presided over
Representative Academic Achievements:
(1) Li Pengfei, Zhang Xiaochen, Yan Lu, Hu Jinfei, Li Dou, Dan Yang.2021. Comparison of interpolation algorithms for DEMs in topographically complex areas using airborne LiDAR point clouds. The Journal of Agricultural Engineering.37(15): 146-153.
(2) Li Pengfei; Li Dou; Gao Chendi; Hao Mingkui; Zang Yuzhe; a Slope Soil Erosion simulation Monitoring Device (utility model), 2020-8-12 to 2030-8-12, China, ZL202021669696.4.
(3) Li Pengfei; Gao Chendi; Hu Jinfei; Yan Lu; Hao Mingkui; a 3 D calculation method based on topographic point cloud (invention patent), 2021-5-25, China, 202110569873.4.
(4) Li Pengfei, spatial and temporal characteristics of erosion and sand production system in loess hilly and gully areas, 2021 Annual Conference of Southern Soil and Water Conservation Research Association, Hangzhou, 2021,7.14
(5) Li Pengfei, based on the soil erosion simulation of RUSLE and PESERA, 2021, Xi'an, 2021,50.30
(6) Li Pengfei, based on RUSLE and PESERA, Shaanxi Provincial Youth Academic Forum: Earth Environment Frontier, Xi'an, 2021.5.21-5.22
(7) Li Pengfei, Modelling blanket peat erosion under environmental change, China University Base Science and Technology Frontier Forum (Phase 3 rd), Tongji University, Shanghai, 2018, September 9.16