Individual Resume:
Lin Xiaohu, a male, PhD, lecturer. He has participated in a number of national scientific research projects and published more than 10 papers, including 5 SCI papers, one authorized utility model patent and 2 software Copyrights.
Email: xhlin214@xust.edu.cn
Field of Investigation:
Multi-source fusion SLAM, mobile robot autonomous navigation and positioning, image and laser point cloud data processing in a complex environment
Study and Work Experience:
2017.9--2021.6 Geodesy and Surveying Engineering, School of Geomatics, Wuhan University, PhD..
2021.6--Now, Lecturer, School of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology, Xi 'an University of Science and Technology
Representative Academic Achievements:
[1]Xiaohu Lin; Bisheng Yang; Fuhong Wang; Jianping Li; Xiqi Wang, Dense 3D Surface Reconstruction of Large Scale Streetscape from Vehicle Borne Imagery and LiDAR, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2020, 14(5):619-639.
[2]Xiaohu Lin; Fuhong Wang; Bisheng Yang; Wanwei Zhang, Autonomous Vehicle Localization with Prior Visual Point Cloud Map Constraints in GNSS-challenged environments, Remote Sensing, 2021.01.31, 13(3):506.
[3]Xiaohu Lin; Fuhong Wang; Lei Guo; Wanwei Zhang, An Automatic Key-Frame Selection Method for Monocular Visual Odometry of Ground Vehicle, IEEE Access, 2019: 70742-70754.
[4] Junliang Zheng; Wanqiang Yao;Xiaohu Lin; Bolin Ma; Lingxiao Bai. An Accurate Digital Subsidence Model for Deformation Detection of Coal Mining Areas Using a UAV-Based LiDAR, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14, 421.
[5] Lei Guo; Fuhong Wang; Jizhang Sang;Xiaohu Lin; Xuewen Gong; Wanwei Zhang, Characteristics Analysis of Raw Multi-GNSS Measurement from Xiaomi Mi 8 and Positioning Performance Improvement with L5/E5 Frequency in an Urban Environment, Remote Sensing, 2020.02.24, 12(4):744.
[6] Xie Jingting; Lin Xiaohu; Wang Fuhong; Shi Xin; Yan Lingyun. A point-line and plane-constrained Lidar and camera calibration method [J]. Information Science, Journal of Wuhan University Information Science, 2021,46 (12): 1916-1923.
[7] Lin Xiaohu; Yao Wanqiang; Qiu Chunxia, land use change driven by farmland conversion in loess hilly and gully areas- -Case in Ansai County, Shaanxi Province, Mountain Journal, 2015,33 (06): 759-769.
[8] Yao Wanqiang; Lin Xiaohu; Ma Fei; Xue Bei, point cloud data compression algorithm based on improved coordinate increment, Journal of Xi'an University of Science and Technology, 2016,36 (06): 849-856.
[9] Lin Xiaohu; Yao Wanqiang; Ma Runxia; Ma Fei; Zhang Kunwei, 3 D reconstruction of Big Wild Goose Pagoda based on massive point cloud data, Cultural Relics Protection and Archaeological Science, 2017,29 (03): 67-72.
[10] Lin Xiaohu; Yao Wanqiang; Zhang Yong; Ma Bolin; Xue Bei; Zhang Kunwei, based on ground 3 D laser scanning technology, coal mine safety, 2016,47 (09): 110-1 13.