个人简介:高余婷,博士/后,副教授,硕导,毕业于加拿大卡尔加里大学,获工学博士学位,担任教育部学位中心评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,博士后海外引才计划、陕西省人才引进计划,陕西省博士后特等资助,秦创原创新创业引才计划,西安市科协青年人才托举计划、参与多项加拿大自然科学基金。担《GPS Solutions》,《Measurement》、《Satellite Navigation》、《Remote Sensing》、《Advanced in Space Research》、《Geo-spatial Information Science》、《Measurement Science and Technology》、《IET Radar Sonar & Navigation》、《Journal of Applied Geodesy》、《Survey Review》等多个地球科学领域国际期刊的审稿人,目前在《GPS Solutions》, 《Journal of Geodesy》等国际高水平地球物理学类期刊发表论文18篇,软件著作权1项,获国家留学基金委公派博士奖学金,获全球华人导航定位会议CPGNSS论坛优秀论文,获中国国际大学生创新创业优秀指导教师称号,是国际卫星导航定位协会和国际大地测量IAG协会成员。
电子邮箱: ygao@xust.edu.cn
2024年- 至今 西安科技大学 副教授
2022年- 2023年 西安科技大学 讲师
2017年- 2021年 加拿大卡尔加里大学 工学博士
2014年- 2017年 长安大学 工学硕士
2010年- 2014年 西安科技大学 工学学士
7. 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目,2017年9月-2021年7月,主持
1. 2024年,特邀报告,中国卫星导航定位协会海洋PNT专业委员会暨第一届海洋PNT综合学术年会,青岛,中国
2. 2024年,大会报告,CPGNSS全球华人导航定位会议论坛,北京,中国
3. 2024年,大会报告,大地测量与导航2024综合学术年会暨大地测量发展研讨会,西安,中国
4. 2023年,大会报告,测绘遥感与地理信息创新丝路论坛,西安,中国
5. 2019年, 大会报告,32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2019), Miami, Florida, USA
6. 2019年, 大会报告,ION Alberta executive meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
招生信息 欢迎测绘、遥感、地信、计算机等专业积极上进同学加入课题组研究工作,有意向联系ygao@xust.edu.cn
1. Gao Y, Jiang Y, Liu B, Gao Y. Integrity monitoring of multi-constellation GNSS-based precise velocity determination in urban environments. Measurement 222 (2023): 113676. (SCI)
2. Gao Y, Jiang Y, Gao Y, Huang G, Yue Z. (2023). Solution separation-based integrity monitoring for RTK positioning with faulty ambiguity detection and protection level. GPS Solutions, 27(3),40 (SCI)
3. Gao Y, Gao Y, Liu B., Jiang Y, (2021). Enhanced fault detection and exclusion based on Kalman filter with colored measurement noise and application to RTK. GPS Solutions, 25(3), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-021-01119-w (SCI)
4. Gao Y, Jiang Y, Gao Y, Huang G. (2021). A linear Kalman filter-based integrity monitoring considering colored measurement noise. GPS Solutions, 25(2), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10291-021-01086-2 (SCI)
5. Jiang Y, Gao Y, Ding W, Liu F, Gao Y (2023). An improved ambiguity resolution algorithm for smartphone RTK positioning." Sensors 23(11): 5292. (SCI)
6. Gao Y, Gao Y, Jiang Y, Liu B. (2022), A modified between-receiver single-difference-based fault detection and exclusion algorithm for real-time kinematic positioning, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, https://doi.org/10.1049/rsn2.12259 (SCI)
7. Gao, Y., Gao, Y., Liu, B., Du, Y., Wang, J. (2019, September). A robust approach to model colored noise for low-cost high-precision Positioning. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2019) (pp. 3686-3694). (SCI)
8. Jiang Y, Gao Y*, Zhou P, Gao Y, Huang G. (2021). Real-time cascading PPP-WAR based on Kalman filter considering time-correlation. Journal of Geodesy, 95(6), 1-15. (SCI)
9. Zhang Y., Jiang Y., Gao Y., Guo S., Gao Y. (2024). An improved wide-lane ambiguity resolution method for kinematic smartphone positioning. The Journal of Navigation, 1-17. (SCI)
10. Zhang Q., Ma X., Gao Y., Huang G., Zhao Q. (2023). An Improved Carrier-Smoothing Code Algorithm for BDS Satellites with SICB. Remote Sensing, 15(21), 5253. (SCI)
11. Jiang Y, Ding W, Gao Y, Gao Y (2022) A new partial ambiguity resolution method based on modified solution separation and GNSS epoch-differencing. Journal of Geodesy 96(11): 1-15. (SCI)
12. Jiang Y, Gao Y*, Ding W, and Gao Y. (2022) GNSS precise positioning for smartphones based on the integration of factor graph optimization and solution separation. Measurement 203 (2022): 111924. (SCI)
13. Liu B, Gao Y, Gao Y, Wang S, HPL calculation improvement for Chi-squared residual-based ARAIM." GPS solutions 26(2): 1-13. (SCI)
14. Liu, B., Gao, Y., Gao, Y. (2020). A Computationally Efficient Ultra-tight GNSS/INS Integration Based on Non-consecutive GNSS Signal Tracking. In Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020) (pp. 3662-3670).
15. Yue Z, Lian B, Gao Y (2019) Robust adaptive filter using fuzzy logic for tightly-coupled visual inertial odometry navigation system. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 14(3): 364-371. (SCI)
16. Gao Y, Wang L, Zhang Q, Huang G, Xue K (2017). Quality analysis of observation data of the new Beidou II navigation satellites. 2017 Forum on Cooperative Positioning and Service (CPGPS).
17. Du, Y., Huang, G., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Gao, Y. (2019). A new asynchronous RTK method to mitigate base station observation outages. Sensors, 19(15), 3376. (SCI)
18. Jia, C., Zhao, L., Li, L., Gao, Y., Gao, Y. (2019). Pivot single-difference ambiguity resolution for multi-GNSS positioning with non-overlapping frequencies. GPS Solutions, 23, 1-10. (SCI)
19. Du, Y., Huang, G., Zhang, Q., Gao, Y., Gao, Y. (2019). A new asynchronous RTK method to mitigate base station observation outages. Sensors, 19(15), 3376. (SCI)